My Team

Dr.Manjita Ghosh


She has been Dr. Saptarshi’s student and extensively attended his clinics, rural camps. She incorporates rapid classical prescribing through her swift but thorough case taking.

Dr.Rituparna Banik


She has been associated with Dr.Saptarshi’s clinic for quite a few years and specializes in in-depth case taking.  

Dr. Mithu Mukherjee


She is very capable at handling acute mid appointment emergencies in Dr.Saptarshi’s clinic.

Dr.Mala Mondal


A veteran Homoeopath who conducts case taking at Dr. Banerjea’s South Calcutta Clinic.

She has been associated with our Clinic for 20+ years.

Dr.Satyajit Jana


One of Dr. Saptarshi’s oldest associates for 10+ years and a successful prescriber himself, he attends and manages the very busy monthly rural clinics.

Dr.Rajesh Rowshan


A diligent student of Dr. Saptarshi, his precise case taking abilities has made him indispensable at the rural clinics for 7+ years.

Dr.Anushri Parai


She handles follow ups and re-case taking in the morning clinic with compassion and care.

Dr. Shaikh .A.Misba


Her proficiency in Hindi & English is exemplary in helping to handle Online patients from across India and our clinic as well.

Mr.Manas Kumar Banerjee

Dr.Saptarshi & Dr.Subrata’s dynamic dispenser who has worked for over 20 years. His ability to dispense medicines so quickly helps to run the busy Calcutta and the rural clinics.

Mr.Surojit Das

Adept at handling the 100+ phone calls throughout the day and his technical skills make the process easier for patients seeking online consultation.

Get in touch

+91 9830378816 / 9874761866

Address “Similimum” 46 Creek Row, Kolkata: 700014 West Bengal, India